Taken in Rome with Nikon D3300 and Standard Lens
I took this photo with the intention of drawing attention to the red rose in the foreground of the image. However I also tried to capture the Colosseum in the background to increase the fullness of the image.
Taken in Highlands with Nikon Coolpix
I took this photo because I found the greens and purples very attractive and I feel that the photo turned out very well even though I was using a point and shoot camera.
Taken in Peebles with Nikon D3300 and Standard Lens
This photo was taken on Tweed Bridge in Peebles as the sun set. I like the photo as the sky is lit up by the sun and the shadows in the lower 2/3rds of the image are contrasted against the bright sunlight.
Taken at house with Nikon D3300 and Macro Lens
I took this photo on the metal bars on my balcony. The use of a macro lens and also a macro setting on my camera allowed me to gain a strong level of detail.
Taken in Iceland with Nikon D3300
This was a sunset that I witnessed in Iceland. I particularly like the colours in the image and the gap in the clouds allows just enough sunlight to come through. The black silhouettes is contrasted against the sun.
Taken in Iceland with Nikon D3300
This is one of my favourite photos that I have taken. The photo focuses on the sunlights reflection on water and the clouds which let enough sunlight through to effectively brighten the environment.
Taken in Iceland with Nikon D3300
This photograph was taken on a black sand beach in Iceland. I focused on the rock formation in order to bring out the detail.
Taken on a ferry crossing with Nikon D3300